Bad Guys: "The Cabal"
Barrett’s guys, Drake’s people, “A Kabal operating within the US completely unknown to the intelligence community”Colonel Russel (Michael Jacques)

An active duty marine who was moonlighting for Barrett's group and sent by them to steal the Bible book-code from Michael Westen and Jesse. He followed their cell-phone signal and was enticed into a trap and shocked with a defibrillator then hog-tied until someone called for him. Then he was released with a photocopy of a page from the Bible to take directly to Barrett.
Current location: Unknown
Seen in episodes: 55
Gregory Hart (Michael Ironside)

A gun dealer who was supplying weapons for 'the Cabal' working only for a '16 digit swiss bank account and an anonymous email address.' He was hidden deep in a South American jungle but did his banking using a sattelite phone which Michael Westen spotted in a thorough purusal of documents in 'the Organization's file.' By the time Vaugh and M arrived to interrogate him, a weaponized drone was already on its way to take him out. He and his compound, along with it's 'tame' monkeys, was blown up. M spotted some information on his desk which indicated that he knew that he was under investigation by some government agency before his death.
Current location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 45
Gustavo (Imposter) (Javier Morga)

Probably a 'worker bee' but sent to interrogate and kill MW none-the-less. He had killed the real Gustavo and taken his place in order to find out from MW what he was looking into the failed bank heist for. When M discovered his deception he pulled a knife and in the ensuing fight fell backwards over the railing of the parking garage.
Current location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 26
Jeremiah Kassar (Uncredited)

An arm's supplier/operative for the Cabal who was identified by Jesse Porter as someone he could possibly use as a contact. Not knowing his name, Jesse called him 'Cobra.' He set up a meeting with Jesse but never appeared, which set Jesse to try and find him. Apparently, someone in the Cabal suspected he had been contacted by Jesse and sent a 'cleaner' after him named Kendra. She fought with him receiving scratches on her arm before she strangled him and put his body in the wheel-well of a plane bound for the Bahamas. His body dropped into the ocean and was washed ashore as a John Doe. Jesse however, was able to correlate his autopsy findings with his accent and voice as well as fingerprints, post office box and street address. Kendra, however sanitized his apartment then waited in the apartment next door to see who, if anyone, came calling. Kendra had a high-density computer disk using an antiquated software encoding behind the drywall in her house. It is unclear whether or not this belonged to Kassar originally.
- Under interrogation, Kendra, the 'cleaner' who killed him confessed that Kassar was one of four operatives who had been contracted to break into a bank safety deposit box but had failed. She had been sent to 'clean up' after their failure.
Current location: Deceased
AKA: Cobra (47,48)
Seen in episodes: 48
John Barrett (Robert Patrick)
CEO of Drake Technologies whose “business plan” was to enable and start wars and bloodshed around the world which his telecom, infrastructure, tech company could then rebuild. The government had no clue of his actions… yet; but Jesse Porter, a counter intelligence officer was doggedly looking into it for three years; and, another “organization” (headed by a guy called “management”) as well. He had a list of names and aliases of the Organization who was tracking them, which a disgruntled (sociopathic) agent of theirs, Simon, had made. Barrett didn’t have the code to decipher it, however, which was kept in a Bible in a bank safe-deposit box that he failed to break into once. M (and Jesse) beat him to it and set a trap to lure him to Miami to come and get it. He used a bundle of code which he already had to verify that the key in the Bible was correct; then, told M that the people who burned him and Simon all had names, jobs and lives and were everywhere. The information in the list now will enable them to take down that organization and Simon needed someone powerful enough to play that card if things went bad. Vaughn showed up to take both he and M down, and he thought that M had set him up. He took M, though mortally wounded by Jesse, into his SUV and crashed through the fighting to interrogate him. Though bleeding profusely from his chest wound, M grabbed the steering wheel and flipped the car both killing Barrett and losing the Bible code book.
Current location: Deceased
Kendra (Navi Rawat)

An assassin/'cleaner' who was sent by the cabal to kill one of their 'arms suppliers' (Jeremiah Kassar) who had been identified by Jesse Porter and was now going to be contacted by him. She strangled 'Cobra,' as Jesse had named him, but not before receiving scratches on her arms. Then she put him in the wheel-well of an airplane bound for the Bahamas. Meticulously she scrubbed down the airplane and hanger afterwards, but missed a spot of blood in the cowling for Michael Westen to find. Then, she also steam-cleaned and painted his apartment and moved in next door to see who/if anyone showed up. Unfortunately, for her, it was MW who showed up and discovered her secret... and the high-density computer disk she had hidden behind the drywall in her house. (48)
She is an accomplished operative and easily escaped at least two traps set for her by M and Sam. She climbs pipes and walls like a cat burglar and loves to disarm opponents like M with her ever ready, arrogant and flirty banter. Very innovatively, she surmised where M would be going to try and extract data from her computer disk and put up construction tape to unobtrusively re-route foot traffic through a single point which she could watch -- and found M. Even though she nearly was able to kill M with a Japanese Tanto knife at their drop point, M still was able to knock her out and put her in his trunk. (49)
She proved a highly skilled operative against interrogation and willing to smash her own head against metal to make her points. It took Jesse playing an easily dominatable stooge to get her to eventually attempt to bribe him into letting her go. Once she had given Jesse her account numbers for payment, they faked that it had been zeroed out by the people who had hired her and she decided to tell all in order to extract revenge. She claimed that she had been hired as a 'cleaner' to kill four operatives who had failed in their attempt to break into a safe deposit box 'on the fourth of last month.' Sam turned her over to the FBI who had several warrants on her. (50)
Current location: Federal custody
Mark Sweeny (Philip J. Martin)

A former merc who worked security for Drake’s Miami office and who accompanied John Barrett when he met with MW. He was first on the scene of Barrett’s rollover and saw MW dying and the metal case with the NOC (Non-official cover) list and book code. He took the crime of opportunity and left with the case, the only one of Drake employees who did not go back to work. He took the list and book first to a college student who couldn’t break the code; but who did refer him to a 10 year, security-cleared, algorithmic engineer at SXG Justin Walsh. Unfortunately, for Sweeney, Walsh knew what he was decoding and decided to kill for it. MW and Jesse found his body on the floor of Walsh’s house.
Current location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 57
Mason Gilroy (Chris Vance)

A grade-A psychopath wet-work guy who met M when cleaning up after Strickler’s debacle with Fiona and M. He killed six police officials at a South American Soccer Stadium in ’98. Then, he fire-bombed the room of a British nuclear scientist, Dr. Randolph Quilling, in ’99 killing him in his Hotel room. He used both of those “calling cards” in a sort of game to make M guess his name and to get to know M better before meeting. He is obviously well connected and very skilled. Somehow, either Simon or someone who wanted him out of “prison” paid $10 million to break him out – and specifically, somehow involve MW. In fact, he seemed obsessed with MW.
- He admitted to being an associate of Tom Strickler, and to have killed CIA agent Diego Garza after MW had shot Strickler. (38,39, )
- He broke Simon out of the transport plane he was on; but, once free Simon shot him, chained him to his car and strapped a bomb onto him. (41)
Current Location: Deceased
Thomas Smalling (Simon Needham)

Thomas Smalling, AKA Claude, A former Australian S.I.S. who is now a second-story man used by Gilroy to obtain information necessary for a job he wanted help with about MW. Gilroy described him as “a wonderful chap, excellent conversationalist, great fashion sense and the best thief in the western hemisphere.” However to MW he was: surly, condescending, arrogant and a joy to take out. Fiona found that his preferred M.O. Was free climbing – a 'cat burglar.' After he failed at the robbery he was eliminated by Gilroy.
Current location: Deceased.
AKA: Claude (40)
Seen in episodes: 40
Tom Strickler (Ben Shenkman)
He calls himself an “agent” for spies while he basically capitalizes on using their talents which he can turn for monetary gain. Telling MW that his “enemies have enemies which are business opportunities,” he warned of a Ukrainian coming to kill him. M refused to become a mercenary for him and take the money; so, he said he would use his contacts to get Ms old job back. When M took photos of the sale of some stolen armament, he made good on his promise by having “Washington” call Diego Garza to say they would review Ms file.
Current Location: Deceased
Bad Guys: "The Organization"
“People we work for,” “Carrot and stick people,” “46 money making opportunities,” "Unauthorized Quasi-Governmental Agency," "the organization that burned you," "dream of two guys"Albert Machado (Oscar Corbella)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list. He was a dirty IMF official of high rank, had massive amounts of security, arrogantly demanded if M knew who he was or who he worked for and was well aware of the name Michael Westen. Although Michael was going to capture him for interrogation, Larry blew him up instead, inside his car.
Current Location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 61
Bill Johnson (Joe Kimble)

A spy (like Michael Westen) who was blackmailed by Carla (like MW) into doing a long-range hit with a sniper rifle on some target unknown. He was a model marine for 20 years and a “big deal” sniper but was for some reason dishonorably discharged (burned?) and sublet a room in the house with the yappy dog. Before he could complete his assasination he was taken out in an explosion caused by Victor who was targeting all of Carla’s operatives.
Current Location: Deceased
Carla (Tricia Helfer)

An egotistical, self-centered bitch with a “smoky voice and lots of attitude” who worked for some covert network of black-ops people within the US and elsewhere which gave them great power. It turned out that she had been “recruited” into her organization the same way MW had: by being burned. Arrogant enough to begin thinking the power she wielded was really because of her own greatness she thought nothing about killing, intimidation, blackmailing or destroying anything and everything at any time. She began doing her own personal black-ops from within her black-ops organization. Killing someone’s family to get them to join her organization meant nothing to her and she did it many times. One operative, Victor, found out what she had done and began compiling documentation about her actions then systematically targeted her and her employees. When her schemes landed on MW she began losing control to the point that the organization she worked for was becoming aware and a man known only as “Management” was arriving to hold her accountable. Before she could carry out her intended murder of MW, Fiona put a bullet in her. (13-28)
-- Drinks Qshr (Yemenese coffee) which she makes herself for fear of poisoning.
-- Speaks Arabic with a Kurdish accent.
-- Used an agricultural company cover in the Middle East and in Miami.
-- Is an above average swimmer with a strong breast stroke.
-- Is known by Sam as “tall, blond and evil.”
-- She “used her ops team for personal errands: making extra cash, blackmail, payback that kind of thing.”
-- She “would send a black ops team to deal with a parking ticket.”
Current Location: Deceased
EC348.943.YP56T (not credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and found in Panama City, Panama The voice-over at the same time the photo was shown said 'a courrier picked up of the suburban streets' but there was no real indication the two were connected. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the video super only stated: Target acquired
Current location: 'Handled'
Seen in episodes: 63
Hector Oaks (J.C. MacKenzie)

Agent # RB609.10.96852. He was traced to the US Embassy in Brussels Belgium, a part of the 'organization' (as usual under threat of family harm). Max revealed that the CIA knew he had bombed the embassy in Albania then went underground by bleaching his hair and loosing his glasses. Michael Westen found and captured him breaking into the Canadian Security Intelligence Service's mainfraim computer in Ottowa. Oaks tried to hold to his cover ID, Tim Sayers, and didn't 'choose the easy way' over the 'way that involves an ambulance.' He was interrogated by Max and Raines but wouldn't talk, so Michael had to take over and point out that 'if you want to protect your family… I'm your best bet!' Michael told him that he was merely 'member number 31 in a criminal conspiracy' (out of 46 on the NOC list). He did eventually reveal that the Organization's Director of Operations, John Kessler, was holed up in a compound in Caracas Venezuela and even the address. (63)
Current Location: Federal Custody.
Tim Sayers (63)
Seen in episodes: 63
James Gibson (un-credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and handled in some way. He was only shown in photgraph on a dossier, but had the most extensively shown background of any of the agents similarly shown. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the case was stamped 'Captured.'
Current location: 'Captured'
Seen in episodes: 63
Javier Benitez (uncredited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and handled in some way. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the voice-over simply stated 'working your way to the top of the network of the people pulling the strings' while it showed five separate photos, the final one showing 'Captured.'
Current location: Handled
Seen in episodes: 63
John Kessler (Andrew Crocker)

The Director Of Operations for the 'Organization' who 'had his hand in' every burn of a spy and every operation carried out by the Organization. He was last found in a highly secret and secure compound in Caracas Venezuela described to Michael Westen by Hector Oaks in return for protecting his family. His compound was too secure to breech and he never went anywhere that 'wasn't as secure as his compound.' An attempt at extracting him when he went traveling failed so in 'plan B' Michael and Max chased him back inside his compound. He ran to a 'safe room,' then when Michael was able to blow a hole in the wall, he shot himself in the head to avoid capture.
Current location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 63
Juan Louis Ruiz (un-credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and handled in some way. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the video super stated: Eliminated.
Current location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 63
Management (John Mahoney)

The, or one of the, top leader(s) in a world-wide consortium of black-ops individuals who “recruit” “assets” with noticeable “intelligence” capabilities by “burning,” blackmailing or otherwise manipulating them into performing compartmentalized illicit activities – supposedly for a “higher purpose” but just as often for increased power or money. He is definitely high enough in the secret organization that HIS title is “management” (i.e. not the organization he works for). Ostensibly he did not know about the “true” activities of Carla, and did believe that Victor was also rogue (even for his organization). He told M that he was: “wonderfully effective, terrifically resourceful, the best I’ve ever seen, but doesn’t seem happy.” Completely ignoring that fact that it was his organization which had put MW in danger in the first place, he threatened that M would be in mortal danger if his clandestine organization got out of M's life. Thinking that he had M over a barrel, he offered to get out of his life if M so chose – and was surprised when M chose so to do. (28)
[Addendum: later episodes have revealed that it was actually Anson Fullerton and Management who had started the Organization many years ago because they hated to see 'burned' talent go to waste when there were jobs to do and money to be made.]
When one of the organizations secret prisoners, Simon Escher, escaped from the secret prison with the help of Gilroy, Mike was forced to call him and try to bring him to Miami. Mike told him about Simon’s plan, then rescued him yet again when Simon outfoxed the organization and captured the guy. He told Mike that “I may seem like a nice guy, but I assure you I am not.” Also, that “you’re my insurance. If this goes wrong I wouldn’t want to be you or anyone who knows you.” Finally after being rescued by Mike: “… and you have a big future.” (44)
[Later, Vaughn told Michael that Management was safe at an undisclosed location and he has not been heard of since – even in Michael's 'complete' takedown of the organization with the help of the CIA.]
Current Location: Unknown
NQ.312.02.80447 (un-credited)

One (or some) of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and found in San Martin, Colombia. The voice-over at the same time the photo was shown said 'some are surgical operations done with descrete teams that no one ever hears about - other times it's an all out war' but there was no real statement that the two were connected. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent (or agents), the video both a descrete team and a car blowing up.
Current location: 'Handled'
Seen in episodes: 63
Perry Clark (Arye Gross)

An unknown assassin, sent by Phillip Cowan, to take out MW once he realized that M knew who he was. The assassin took the identity of a murdered bureaucrat wanting to ‘review’ MWs burn file in order to. M was suspicious but eventually gave him the chance to strangle him in the loft. He was shot during the struggle and died without ID in an alley.
Current Location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 9
Phillip Cowan (Richard Schiff)

A spy in the secret black-ops organization who seems to have actually filled out the paperwork to burn several people including Michael Weston. When MW attempted to make contact he sent assassin Perry Clark to kill him. He eventually seemed to have a change of heart and came to meet MW in Miami but was shot and killed by his own people while he was telling that he was only a cog in a big organization who was “recruiting” MW for “something big.”
Current Location: Deceased
Simon Escher (Garret Dillahunt)

A spy who, like MW and Victor, was recruited into the “Organization”; but who, also like them, got suspicious and began keeping a list of all the organizations members, both code names and real names. He went off the deep end and became rogue – and proud of it! Vaughn, when he found out, tried to have him killed but failed. He coded his list into a book code using an old Bible and a list of numbers then hid the Bible in a high security safe deposit box. Before he was caught he hid all his personal papers, including some surveillance tapes of Vaughn’s duplicitousness, in a casket vault of an historic cemetery which was made air-tight with a seal of silicone and elemental sodium to ruin the contents if anyone broke in. He had arranged for a message and the second part of the coded message to get to John Barrett, CEO of Drake Technologies and leader of should he ever be caught – which he was. Gilroy was contacted and paid $20 million to help him escape, with the proviso that he involve MW – who he seemed obsessed with. Once he was free he turned on, shot and chained a bomb to Gilroy which exploded; but not before he had a chance to tell M who was coming for him. He did catch M in a con involving the bombing of a hotel to make him bring Management to Miami. He even captured Management whose rescue confirmed Ms future with Management’s Organization. He laughed at M that “you’re just like me now.” From prison he first told M where to obtain an audio tape of his conversation with Vaughn about how he was going to replace Simon with Michael Westen. Then he told M to take his Bible code-book to Barrett who would get rid of Vaughn and his ilk.
Current Location: Federal Custody
Terrence (uncredited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and handled in some way. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the voice-over simply stated 'working your way to the top of the network of the people pulling the strings' while it showed five separate photos, the final one showing 'Captured.'
Current location: Captured
Unknown (not credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and either captured or eliminated. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashed - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way.
Current location: 'Handled'
Seen in episodes: 63
Unknown (not credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and either captured or eliminated. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashed - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way.
Current location: 'Handled'
Seen in episodes: 63
Unknown (un-credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and handled in some way. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the voice-over simply stated 'working your way to the top of the network of the people pulling the strings' while it showed four separate photos, the final one showing 'Captured.'
Current location: Handled
Seen in episodes: 63
Unknown (un-credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and handled in some way. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the voice-over simply stated 'working your way to the top of the network of the people pulling the strings' while it showed four separate photos, the final one showing 'Captured.'
Current location: Handled
Seen in episodes: 63
Unknown (un-credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and handled in some way. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent, the voice-over simply stated 'working your way to the top of the network of the people pulling the strings' while it showed four separate photos, the final one showing 'Captured.'
Current location: Captured
Seen in episodes: 63
Unknown (not credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and either captured or eliminated. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashed - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way.
Current location: 'Handled'
Seen in episodes: 63
Vaughn (Robert Wisdom)

One of the senior people in the 'Organization' who was responsible for keeping Simon Escher in a secret prison. He became MWs “Handler” after Michael Westen had saved Management from Simon, who had escaped from one of their prisons. He manipulated M into helping expose and capture the main gun supplier for the cabal which had not only helped Simon escape but was causing wars, crop burnings and assassinations around the world. He won Ms help by claiming M would be 'a partner' and would allow M to 'do it your way'; although, obviously intending otherwise. He acknowledged they had some 'rogue' people and 'psychopaths' but 'that is over now,' and claimed that he personally had nothing to do with M being burned. (45)
He chose Jesse Porter’s key card to give to M to obtain information. After M obtained Escher’s book-code Bible, he prevented M from talking to Escher until FBI agent’s Harris and Lane rousted him about being put on the FBIs most wanted list. He lied directly to both Fiona and M that he had nothing to do with Ms being burned but Simon had an audio tape that proved Vaughn had targeted M directly to replace Simon who had begun “working against us.” He told M that Barrett’s organization was bigger than either M or Jesse and said he would “take care” of Jesse to “get him out of the wind.” Also that Barrett had been killing: civilians, spies and MY people. He found Jesse’s whereabouts for M and wanted to “take care of him” because he’s either with us or against us. Then he decided to dispense with M and Barrett at the same time by crashing into Ms meeting with guns a blaze. Amazingly, he had the temerity to come to Fiona’s new house and tell M that he was leaving Miami and he didn’t ever have to see him again “if he didn’t want to.” He left stating someone “new” would contact him after the “dust settled.” Fiona told him that if he ever showed up announced again, no one would ever see him. (53,54,55,56)
In order to obtain help from Marv, Mike had to go on record telling of his whole affiliation with the “organization” including Vaughn. Marv made a recording of it which was stolen by Brennen when he also took the thumb-drive and used to blackmail M into killing off the “Organization” for profit. Vaughn was sent the recording and came after M with a vengeance. He captured and used Madeline as a shield. Mike, Jesse and Fiona kept him busy trying to kill them until Sam could convince Bill Cowley to send in some ‘real’ troops. He was spit on by Madeline and hay-maker’ed to the ground by Sam before being led away in handcuffs. (62)
After taking down nearly all of Vaughn's 'Organization.' Michael had him brought up to a federal holding facility in Tampa to help decipher a document he had stolen from a legal office that Anson Fullerton was working with. He was surprised to hear that Mike knew about Anson because he had carefully kept the secret out of fear, even though he was sent to Guantanimo. He did agree to 'look at the papers' if Mike would bring him a bottle of scotch. When he saw them, he figured he could use the knowledge to bargain, so demanded Mike get a deal for 'full immunity.' Mike didn't do that but brought transfer papers for both him and a couple of his enemies, including Simon. In panic, he revealed that the numbers on the papers were for companies and other items of 'infrastructure' of the Organization – 'Anson isn't retiring, he's rebuilding.' He called to Mike to cancel the transfers but was only told 'it may be too late.' (Mike actually had no intention of making the transfers) (79)
Current Location: Federal custody
Victor Stecker-Epps (Michael Shanks)

He first announced himself to M to be “the wrangler” sent by Carla to keep him from bucking so much after M had found Carla’s identity and had broken into her office. An angry, self-confident, arrogant man, he manipulated M through a job of stealing a high-powered sniper rifle for Carla to use in one of her compartmentalized black-op schemes. However, it turned out that he was quite a bit like M in that he had been “recruited” by Carla. He was C.I.A. stationed in Mexico with his family. Carla had secretly killed his family and then had Phillip Cowan burn him at the same time. He was more “enthusiastic” about Carla’s offer than MW had been; but, once he found out about Carla’s secret, he quietly began putting together documentation of her deeds and even obtained the private phone number of her boss: “Management.” Then, he decided to gut the entire organization by beginning to target some of Carla’s operatives, including MW, telling himself that “no one in this business is innocent.” M eventually tracked him down and captured him as: “the enemy of my enemy,” and eventually got Victor to join in the hunt to bring down Carla. He gave M the clearest explanation of the organization he had heard: there is no name of a person who burned us, it’s “just a name in a file, behind another name in another file. You know how these things start. Someone runs an operation off the books. It’s supposed to be a one-time thing but when it’s over there’s power to be had. It takes on a life of its own. It’s the organization, not some guy.” M asked: “Why me?” Victor explained: “It was no secret that you were good at your job. The machine wanted you, so it took you. Now we’re both part of it.” Victor was shot by Carla as he and M were attempting to flee in a boat; which, unknown to them, had been rigged with remote activated explosives. The person Carla called “Management” was coming in a helicopter at that moment and she frantically begged M to give her Victor’s documentation and join her in her explanatory lie to her bosses OR she would blow both he and Victor up. Fiona took Carla down with a sniper rifle and Victor, mortally wounded and not wanting to be captured, begged M to “end him” so he could continue the cause. M reluctantly complied having soul-searched many times about just how far he would go and what he would do to win his freedom.
Current Location: Deceased.
XT.944.32.92567 (not credited)

One (or some) of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list who, eventually with the help of the CIA, Michael Weston searched out and found in Seattle Washington. The voice-over at the same time the photo was shown said 'leads to a hardened group of armed assassins in another place entirely' but there was no real statement that the two were connected. The show indicated either 'captured' or 'eliminated' on some of the names in rapid-fire flashes - others had no mention but the direct implication was that they were ALL 'handled' in some way. In the case of this agent (or agents), the video super only stated: Target acquired as it showed more than one photo of different people.
Current location: 'Handled'
Seen in episodes: 63
ZF945.781.4D329 (not credited)

One of the forty-six names on Simon Escher’s NOC list. Only given in the show as a number with a photo and a statement: 'Captured'
Current location: Captured
Seen in episodes: 63
Bad Guys: Organization Rebuild
The "Organization" as being rebuilt by Anson FullertonAnson Fullerton (Jere Burns)

The actual mastermind, along with Management, of the 'Organization' of burned spies which burned Michael Westen. He 'was the one that wasn't found in Caracas,' the last number that Michael was trying to trace on the NOC list compiled by Simon Escher. A psychiatrist for the DIA, he was responsible for 'processing and evaluating' spies that had been burned and thought that it was a terrible waste. With a man known only as Management, they set up an organization to do black-ops, the kind that no government would do – and of course make a lot of money at the same time. Eventually they took to going out and deliberately burning spies that they wanted then blackmailing them into performing the operations. When he had no organization left he began focusing on getting even with Michael and devised a complicated plan which began with getting Larry Sizemore out of an Albanian prison without knowing it was him. He manipulated Larry into spending all his money to bribe out of prison, kill the warden and come back to Miami to do a job worth millions which would require that he go get Michael to help. Additionally, the concocted job would require that Larry kidnap Anson himself and rig explosives around his presumed wife in order to blackmail him into helping. Still reeling from being imprisoned by the CIA for Max's murder, Michael wasn't vigilant and let Larry get the drop on him then force him to help break into the British Consulate. Predictably, Mike helped Anson escape and notify Sam and Fiona who eventually succeeded in blowing up Larry; but, at the same time putting the finishing touches on the entire con. Anson had set an additional charge to kill the guards which, when Fiona began castigating herself, allowed him to get it all on tape and, using Fiona's freedom – begin blackmailing Michael all over again! He told Michael the story, adding that years back he had arranged to be his mother, Madeline's, substitute therapist, which is where he learned enough about him to burn him. 'Although', he said, 'you're not as easy to manipulate as she led me to believe.' (74)
He sent Michael to South America to retrieve computer expert, Oswald Patterson, the inventor of 'Voidbot' which would erase his name from federal computer systems; bought Sam and Jesse drinks at the Carlito to let them know he knew what they were doing and that Fiona was safe as long as the police didn't have the evidence he would give them; and arrogantly told Mike that 'I own you.' (75) He made Mike plant the virus in the CIA computers to erase any evidence on him, and was unknowingly tracked by Fiona to one of his homes. He told Mike that he needed to 'grow up,' that he couldn't save everyone. (76) Mike traced several calls he'd made to Benny, a retiree who he had hired to begin dating Madeline in order to spy on Michael. Madeline planted a bug in Benny's house and he found out about it somehow so sent a package bomb to kill Benny. (77)
He blamed Benny's death on Michael 'you knew I'd do it' and sent Fiona and Jesse to the Cayman's to retrieve millions of dollars he had in a flagged account. He also helped Sam and Michael identify a russian assassin, Oscar Markov, who was trying to kill Sam's friend Beatriz. He used the opportunity to coerce Mike into letting him tag along on the endeavor to 'better understand the man who took down the organization I spent my life building.' He told Mike: 'There's a reason that you have to be everybody's white night Michael. You left because you thought if you saved the world you'd be safe at home.' He also revealed many things about his dealings with Frank, Michaels father, including that he had cried and wanted to apologize and had become suspicious 'so a heart attack had to be arranged.' Additionally, it provided an opportunity to 'neutralize' Sam by paying the FSB handler in Miami to list Sam as an asset then gloat about it by sending drinks to Mike and Fiona's table. (78)
Michael had discovered his plan to rebuild and confronted him in the parking lot at the DIA telling him that 'one way or the other, this ends today.' Mike knocked him around and held him so Fiona could take a shot at his head. However he was able to get Mike from letting Fiona kill him and told him 'this is good, we'll pretend this never happened.' He told Mike it would 'be over by the end of the month.' However, Mike seemed to be closing in around him. He had bought an abandoned weapons plant up in Tampa and blackmailed a sex-offender to babysit it under penalty of death. Mike found out about that and he had to blow it and the caretaker up. He had also blackmailed another CIA field operative, Rebecca, into helping set up an operation to burn several other spies, including agent Pearce. The operation was one in which Michael was involved and he secretly planned to have Jesse killed at the same time. Michael found out about Rebecca and the plan to kill Jesse as well and prevented it. He had made Mike plant a chip in Pearce's computer which would get her and her team falsely burned and Mike told Jesse to destroy Pearce's computer. He called Mike with Rebecca in his car and was told 'I'll see you in Hell.' (80) He tried to escape in his green Jaguar but was foiled again and again by an out-of-control with anger Michael Westen. His attempt to kill Madeline with a psychopathic patient failed and his attempt to kill Sam and Pearce by blowing up a chemical plant failed; but he did escape in a boat. He is now at the top of the CIAs most wanted list. (81)
Current Location: At Large
Benny (Steve Zurk)

A retiree who was hired to do a surveillance job for Anson and bit off more than he could chew. It turned out that the surveilee was Michael Westen through getting to know Madeline and his boss was the original mastermind behind the clandestine organization who burned Michael. Anson had substituted as Madeline's psychiatrist in the past so could feed Benny large amounts of preferences and desires so it would seem like they were soul-mates. He was able to find out a great deal; but when Michael traced a phone call from Anson to Benny his usefulness was at an end and Anson sent him a package bomb.
Current Location: Deceased
Jake (Luke Albright)

A low-life who Anson Fullerton was able to blackmail into being a 'caretaker' of a Tampa warehouse full of explosives and other armament during his rebuild of 'the Organization.' He had been charged with three counts of sex offenses and was told that if he took even so much as a paper clip from the warehouse he would be killed. Unfortunately, for him, he was also an arrogant SOB who thought he knew more than Sam and Fiona when they told him to 'run' as a keypad began to beep when they were taking examples of explosives to the police. The building blew, taking Jake with it.
Current Location: Deceased
Seen in episodes: 80
Lucien Balan (Patrick Bauchau)

A kindly looking old man with a sordid past. Now a clock-maker in Tallahassee, he was a war criminal with a friend he knew as Christian Pavel. When Pavel needed a bomb made, Lucien did it. Unfortunately, for him, the bomb was used to attempt to kill Jacob Starky who had been hired to impersonate Michael Westen so as to implicate him in a murder. Michael had traced Jacob and prevented his murder then used an underworld contact of Fiona's to trace the bomb to Lucien. Suspicious of Sam and Michael, he attempted to kill them but was captured and interrogated. He held out until Mike discovered his daughter Danika living under an assumed name in Atlanta and threatened to have her deported. He seemed to relent and give them a contact person which was, in reality, a distress call designed to prompt a rescue. Instead, however, whoever came began shooting high-powered shells into the building to kill everyone and he was shot. Before he died he extracted a promise from Mike to leave his daughter alone then gave him the location of Pavel, telling him to 'Put a bullet in him.'
Current Location: Deceased
Luka (71)
Seen in episodes: 71
Rebecca Lang (Kristanna Loken)

A CIA field operative who had some vulnerabiltiy which allowed her to be blackmailed by Anson Fullerton as he rebuilt 'the Organization.' She uses a 380-auto on missions loaded with over-pressured, teflon-coated rounds that Anson bought in bulk and stored in his arms warehousein Tampa. She was assigned to a rendition op that Michael Westen was leading in order to sabotage the mission and burn the rest of her team-mates. Part of the plan was to kill Jesse in order to make it harder for Michael to undo the problems created. Unfortunately, for her, Michael discovered her complicity before it was completed and thwarted her actions. The mission was completed sucessfully. Jesse was not killed and was told to 'destroy Pearce's laptop' – where false evidence had been planted to burn the team. She fled back to Anson and was seen leaving with him.
She was sent by Anson to liquidate a dirty prison guard that had been hired to arrange for Fiona to be killed but had failed. She did kill the guy but was nearly caught by Michael so she took Sam hostage in order to flee. Sam had to continually manipulate her away from killing everyone she saw who was getting in her way; and she was eventually turned by Mike into helping him locate and neutralize Anson by his commitment to help keep her brother, who Anson had been using to blackmail her, from being killed. With arm twisting she finally revealed that her brother Trent had discovered he was an accountant for a criminal syndicate. Then his involvement with the FBI, imprisonment of Hank Foster and subsequent death in prison made him an obsession for murder by Foster's son Wes. Anson had discovered where Trent was hiding and blackmailed Rebecca with telling Foster. She was greatful when Mike's elaborate con convinced Foster that he was chasing the wrong guy and she revealed the location of Anson's next money and document drop.
Sam arranged for her to stay at his girlfriend Elsa's hotel then she trashed it to steal cable, video and phone feeds before she broke out the back window to disappear - before Nate and Anson were killed. She arranged for a master forger, Warrick, to give her new IDs but was shot in the shoulder by Mike when she went to pick them up. She correctly decided that her only escape was to go tell Mike that she wasn't going to run from him and tell him to shoot her if he decided to. She claimed that she didn't trust the CIA, was only trying to find her brother, and wasn't even in Miami when the two were killed. Mike let her go.
Current Location: At Large
Tavian Korzha (Andrew Howard)

[A bit of confusion surrounds this character from the story line] This is the man who was at the address Lucien Balan gave to Michael Weston as that of Christian Pavel, the person who had gotten Lucien to make a bomb: 'A warehouse in Wentword at the end of Burgen Road.' He was warned by an alarm of Sam and Michael's approach, so set fire to the computers and warehouse then fled (title saying 'The man who killed Max,' credits saying Tavian Korzha). His gun was apparently used in a murder in Hilea according to CIA Agent Pearce. He was being funded, at least getting money from, Ravel Stigler and didn't realize that Stigler and Lucien were friends (or maybe he did but didn't care.) Killing Lucien led to Sam Axe being given information that nearly got him captured, so he decided to try and get a meeting with Micheal. (72)
Somehow he became aware of Sam and Jesse's plan to capture him at Stigler's so killed Stigler and kidnapped Sam. He took him to a desolate place and told him that he wanted a meeting with Michael 'otherwise I'll send him the inviation attached to your corpse.' Even though Mike was out of the country Sam didn't tell him; so he set the meeting for the next day at a specific time and place. Sam and Jesse were, however, able to set up blockaids against his escape from the meeting site so that he'd have to wait for Mike's appearance. (73)
His meeting with Mike was delayed by CIA Agent Pearce arresting Michael, then making him wear a wire to the meeting. He did admit to Max's murder and an attempt to frame Michael for it and said he wanted to make a truce with him saying that he could give Michael 'answers to questions you don't even know to ask.' Mike showed him the wire and offered to help make it easier on him. Instead, he said 'it's over for me, but not for you' and killed himself by jumping off the parking garage. Later it was found that Anson Fullerton, the mastermind behind the 'Organization,' had hired (blackmailed) him in an attempt at rebuilding. (74)
Current Location: Deceased
Bad Guys: Recurring
Bad guys, not in any organization, but it takes more than one show to get rid of 'em.Adam Scott (Danny Pino)

Sleaze-bag attorney for half of Miami’s low lifes; whose daughter, Becky, was kidnapped by Dale Lawson, the brother of a client about to be found guilty of murder. He obtained Michael Weston's name from Barry Burkowski, a money-laundering friend, and offered to pay Mike a lot of money to get Becky back. He obtained a submersible for Mike's use in addition to providing cash and personnel for a con to make Lawson think his brother was free just long enough to release Becky. Then he gave M the submersible as his fee.
Once Michael had left, he contacted a psychopath he knew, Dennis Barfield, and tipped him of a lunch appointment Lawson had. Barfield set a makeshift bomb which not only killed Lawson but innocent bystanders as well. Scott had no conscience about it; and in fact played the legal card with Michael until he got angry and told Scott that even if he arranged a plea bargain with the law, it wouldn't count with him. Scott did try to call off Barfield from the remaining hits on Lawson’s men but Barfield said no and killed Scott as well.
Current location: Deceased
Bruce Gellman (Steve DuMouchel)

The crooked lawyer for a drug cartel who was representing Alvaro Desantos. MW conned him into believing that Desantos was an FBI informant in order to stop Desantos from killing the Stagners. (3)
He also represented ruthless drug kingpin Rafael Montero who was expanding his operation from Mexico to Florida. Which was just enough to keep Michael (who had previously cost him a client) from assiting Jesse in an operation to take down Montero in return for Agent Card's help in getting Fiona out of prison.
Current location: At large.
Carmelo Dante (Todd Stashwick)

Second biggest Heroin dealer in Miami (according to Barry) who supplied M with the name and location of the first biggest dealer - just happening to be holding Sam at the time. M had to threaten to blow up Carmelo's nightclub in order to get close enough to talk to him. M did convince him through blackmail that it was in his best interest to locate his biggest competitor and let M take him out (obviously rescuing Sam at the same time). He parted with M fairly amicably except stating that if he ever saw him again he would kill him. (11)
Later, M used him for the same thing. M stole a heroin shipment from Carmelo and had Sam allow himself to be captured in order to direct Carmelo toward finding a group of Serbians who had actually just purchased a stolen Predator missle. Carmelo did find the Serbians and the missle and was eventually talked into taking credit for returning the missle instead of killing Sam and M as he had said he would. Again his parting shot to M was: 'seriously, if I see you again I'll kill you.' (68)
Current location: At large.
Jacob Starky (Charlie Weber)

A person we are being led to believe that is a DEAD RINGER for Michael on videotape right down to the posture and gait; but, now told doesn't look at all like him in person! His drivers license says: #L252-784-65-554-1, Jacob Starkey, 234 SW 45 Rd., Miami Fl 33145-1424, DOB: 06-18-1975, Sex: M, Height: 5' 11', Issued: 06-17-1985 [When he was 10 years old!], Expires: 03-15-2015, Duplicated: 04-15-2007. He was shown on video surveillance going into a bodega and purchasing a cell phone - one which was used to make a call by the murderer of Michael Westen's handler Max. Madeline and Fiona used facial recognition software to locate him in the Florida driver license database from 68,000 close matches of Michael. (68)
He 'met' someone on the internet who was willing to pay $ for odd jobs around town. He was texted the job and instructions and mailed money. Eventually some of the jobs got him in trouble with drug dealers who came after him to kill him and he bought a gun and began holding up in his house with his dog. Sam and Fiona intervened before he could be killed and brought him back to the loft where he reluctantly helped Michael try to indentify and intercept his killer. He was told to go to a boat at a marina but when he (actually Michael in disguise) got there another text and a note gave him instructions to take the boat to meet him in South America. Michael discovered a bomb wired to a depth finder on the engine however and jumped oberboard before the boat blew up; although, not before photographing it and cutting off a piece of the C4 for analysis. (69)
Current Location: In hiding.
Larry Sizemore (Tim Matheson)

An operative who worked with Michael Westen in the Balkan’s in ’91 and ’92, during a “crazy time” which made him seem “somewhat sane in comparison.” He let fifteen people watch him walk into an oil refinery right before it blew up to fake his own death. It was his way of taking early retirement. Now he is simply a sociopath working freelance killing people. “Tall, dyes his hair, face like a ferret.” He read the MW dossier which made him think that they could be partners. MW accepted a “hit” job from him in order to try and save the mark and possibly rid himself of Larry at the same time. He only escaped from Ms sniper scope by holding a hostage in front of him just long enough to get out of line of fire, then he killed the hostage. (20)
He stole $2 million from the money cleaner of a cartel and used Ms name to do it. He found out that the cleaner had sent a hit man to kill Michael so intercepted him in Michael's loft. That attempt at manipulating M back into working with him failed as well. When M returned the money, blamed the theft on the hit man that Larry had killed, and called the police to report a counterfeiting scheme in Larry’s name (actually his new alias: Larry Garber). (41)
Finally, he somehow met Brennen and became partners in getting M to kill the men whose names were on Simon’s NOC list. He arrogantly claimed to know M well enough from the “old days” that he knew M would be “glad to help” and 'thank me for it' in the end. He colluded with M to keep Brennen happy until the opportunity arose to take the list back; all the time claiming that he intended to let M do all the heavy work while he did all the fun stuff. With complete disregard of M or his family, he killed Brennen with his knife saying that: “now you have to work with me to stay alive.” However, he didn’t count on Sam who worked behind the scenes to find his cell phone number, removed Brennen’s safe before Larry got to it, then held him at sniper gunpoint while M escaped so the cops could find him with Brennen’s body in the same room and the murder knife on him. Mike told Larry that “while I would gladly give my life for something that I believed in, there isn’t a thing in this world that you would die for.” He was discovered, and apparently tried then extradited to Albania for some reason. (61)
Unfortunately, for him, his odd relationship with Michael put him on the radar of Anson Fullerton, the mastermind behind the 'Organization' which burned Michael. Anson was trying to rebuild his 'Organization' and concocted an elaborate plan to extract Larry from Albania then 'hire' him to do a job at the British Consulate in Miami; which, he knew would attract him back to Michael. Unknowingly, under Anson's manipulation, he drained his own bank accounts to bribe his way out of prison, killed the warden, kidnapped Anson, attached a bomb around the neck of a lady he thought was Anson's wife, got a job at a bio-waste firm under the consulate and set up elaborate video surveillance all planning to eventually kill Michael. Then he kidnapped Michael and forced him to help with the job. To add insult to injury, Anson never intended him to complete the job at the consulate, 'knowing' that Fiona would bomb Larry first, which would then give him blackmail leverage on Michael. (74)
Current location: Deceased
Larry Garber [shoe salesman] (41), Larry Barushell [Biohazard tech] (74)
Natalie Rice (Callie Thorne)

A mastermind thief who murdered and blackmailed Milovan Dragas and Bennett Tash into helping with her plot to steal Barry’s ledger and sell it for $5 million. She skillfully duped them all through their interrogation but revealed selected aspects of her plan hoping they would be killed. She duped Fiona in the interrogation then escaped from Fiona by threatening to kill a child bystander but leaving her $5 million behind when she escaped. She told Fiona that she always tells her buyers to put two things in the car 'the money and a gun.' The name Natalie, she said was just a name on a passport and the 'Jared' on the keychain just came with the chain. (36)
She took a job stealing a US chemical weapon for some Venezuelans but then had a higher bidder who wanted her to steal it from the Venezuelans. She devised a plan to have a medical-scammer, con-man (Stuart) get MW to help steal it back from its well-fortified compound under the guise of rescuing a kidnapped sister. When that plan went awry she killed Stuart and pretended altruistic motives while framing Fiona for the murder. Once done, she mined Sam’s exit road and stole it back from him; but, MW eventually got it back from her, chased her buyers away, planted the real weapon on her and chained her to a boat trailer waiting for the Homeland Security to come for her confession. (58)
Current location: Police custody
Tony Soto (Adam Clark)

The boss of the 24K car theft syndicate in Miami. Michael Westen, under cover as “Johnny” impressed him by “cleaning” a stolen car in order to take down one of his gang who had put out a hit on one of Michaels “clients.” Michael manipulated Soto to be in the client’s car when Felix Cole tried the hit, but failed due to the armor that had been installed. He decided to 'deal with' Cole but the guy found out and ran. (23)
Later, when some friends of Michael's brother, Nate, had three cars stolen, he was able to tell M who had done it. In return he demanded that M do some 'Johnny-style damage' to Buckwild’s chop shop (the thief) when he was done finding the car. (59)
Current location: At large
Tyler Brennen (Jay Karnes)

A black-market smuggler and thief who is one of the most arrogant and condescending individuals that Michael Weston has met. He kidnapped a known thief’s son (who happened to be the ex-fiancé of Michael) and made her, Samantha Keyes, steal a guidance chip from an aerospace company for ransom. M developed an elaborate con to make Brennen decide that the best course of action would be to have M put the chip back before anyone noticed. Now on the run from his South American contacts for the botched deal, he threatened to find out what MW had “really” done and see him again. (27)
Never quite getting over Ms rousting him out of his planned profit from selling the guidance chip, he was able to avoid being killed by the Columbian cartel (by sending guns to their rivals) and devised a plan to 'fit the Westen brothers for body bags' and get M to steal something else for him at the same time. By offering to fund a business scheme of Nate's he was able to hire an assassin from Sicily (the Butcher) to hold Nate hostage and force M through the key steps leading up to a major theft. To punctuate his point he shot Nate in the arm - which just pissed M off and brought his whole force into, once again, thwarting Brennan's plan by making it look like he'd done the same thing to Brennan's daughter, Annabelle, currently attending private school in Switerzerland. He reluctantly acquiesed but acquired a new obsession. (31)
After their last encounter he spent $122,654.32 tracking Ms every move, which is how he was led to Marv and later to Michael. He claims that he had sent a Christmas Card to Nate but had never gotten a reply. Tyler blackmailed Marv into getting the thumb drive with the NOC list away from Michael, as well as the audio tape of Ms informing on Vaughn and the organization. He recognized the opportunity to make money from killing the 64 men on the list and to use the audio tape to blackmail M into doing it. Just for good measure he teamed with Larry Seizmore to help M do the killing and also to “wrangle” him into submission. Larry did kill one of the names on the list, Albert Machado, but then stabbed Brennen in the chest after he learned that M had found Brennen’s safe with the list. Brennen’s body was found with Larry by the police, who Sam had called. (61)
Current location: Deceased
AKA: Simon Davis (31)
Tyler Gray (Kenny Johnson)

A (probably) CIA operative who was sent by Agent Tom Card to first kill Nate Westen then to Panama to set a trap which would eliminate everyone else who knew any of the details about Anson Fullerton – Mike, Sam, Fiona, Jesse and Brady Pressman. Unfortunately, for him, this was Michael Westen he was coming against and he was first trapped, then caught. In order to save his own life he revealed the secret plot and was eventually able to convince Mike of its truth. Of course the fighter jets that Card sent, and the two missiles it shot at them, helped sell the story as well. (90)
He was bound and taken back to Miami by Michael – at least that was the goal. He was able to escape, for a minute, and avoid the stowaway flight; but was captured, along with Michael, by the drug dealer. He didn't believe Michael's information about having been set up by Card. He turned traitor on Michael in trade for his freedom, but eventually changed his mind by hearing Michael protect Fiona, Sam and Jesse. He then developed an uneasy alliance with Michael in order to escape and agreed to help take Card down. (91)
He actually did tell Card that Mike and his friends were all dead and begin setting him up to gain evidence against him. In the process they needed to get Card thinking Michael may have figured out his implication in killing Nate, but Card instead decided to frame Grey for the whole situation. He was taken into Card's office where Michael, realizing what was about to happen, broke in and confronted Card. Card showed the gun that he had trained on Grey all the time and then shot and killed Grey. (92)
Current location: deceased.
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