313 - Enemies Closer (41)

This week’s private meeting with Gilroy was in the hotel hot tub where he told Michael Westen that the records he had been after previously were destroyed and now he needed to get 6 weeks of private flight data in and out of Miami. M told him that he would have to have "double my fee," then asked Sam to obtain the records through his buddies at the coast guard. Back at the loft he found a break-in and a dead body on the floor – as well as Larry, the un-dead spy. The dead guy had a Santa Muerta tattoo with six tears – a pro assassin with 6 kills. Larry explained that the hit man had been sent by a man named Carlos, the guy who ran the cash processing for the Sicario (cartel), and who wanted his money back. Larry admitted that he had used Michael’s name to steal $2 million and hadn't finished his usual “clean up” before Carlos had sent the hit man. Then Larry had the audacity to insult M as an “ol' softy” when M didn’t kill him for doing it. Larry's idea was for M and him to kill Carlos; then, Larry would give M a new ID -- which made Sam nearly want to tear Larry's head off. Larry had stolen a man named Larry Garber’s identity, a shoe salesman who had "fallen on a knife in Buffalo." When M didn't respond, Larry gave M 24-hrs to decide to join him. They put the hit man’s body, whose ID said he was Justino Valverde, in Fiona’s neighbor’s bath tub which wasn’t being used. M went to warn Madeline about Larry and was introduced to Nate’s wife Ruth, a Vegas blackjack dealer whom he had known less than a month. M gave Nate a gun and asked him to stay and guard Madeline.
Sam and Fiona found the apartment Justino had been staying in with other Sicario's and tapped their closed circuit camera system. Sam did get the flight data from a friend but had words with M about deceiving his friends. Carlos, Justino’s boss, called his phone to ask what was taking so long and told him to go finish the job at the hotel Victor, a surprise Larry hadn't told M about. M found Larry at the hotel waiting for Jack Yablonski/Fleetwood who was the person he had hired to drop Michaels name and now was Carlos' other target. Carlos sent some others over to help kill Fleetwood but M needed to rescue him because his name was attached to the whole thing. He, Larry and Yablonski jumped off the balcony into the pool in order to escape the hit men. M needed to convince Carlos that the robbery was an inside job done by Justino (already dead) so that "the body count wouldn't go higher." M rousted Carlos in a parking lot and told him about a "Justino sighting" in a bar (set up by Fiona) and that he wasn’t the one who had stolen the money. Back at Madeline's, M found Nate and Ruth trying to convince her to move to Vegas in order to "not be around spies and murderers" so much; then, the poor hapless Ruth tried to shame Madeline into not smoking in her own house. Larry came to where Yablonski was and distracted M while attempting to kill Jack. M caught him and Larry expected that M would not fire the gun he was pointing at him – he was wrong... and got his hand wounded. Additionally he didn’t want to give up the $2 million but didn't argue with M. While M was with Carlos tailing Jack, they let Carlos hear a call that they were faking from Justino (remember he is dead) setting up a meeting.
Larry showed up to help Fiona dress the corpse and messed with her mind such that Fiona refused to help M any more. Back at Madeline's, Ruth refused Madeline’s salad saying she was "allergic to cucumbers" and turned down cold-cuts as well claiming she was also avoiding “protein.” Sam figured out from the flight data that only one day was different from all the rest of the six weeks and told M that he could only have the one day. When M argued about it, Sam stormed out saying he wouldn't help any more until "you get your head out of your butt," and that if M needed help he should "call Fiona." So M did the meeting with Carlos alone without any backup and was nearly killed because Larry had switched the money he was returning for counterfeit. Both Fiona and Sam refused Ms phone calls. M had no way to get the money back from Larry, so he couldn't kill him; so, he had to let Larry think that he was going to help him kill Carlos. Cleaning his gun in his loft and stewing about Fiona and Sam, Nate came over to tell him that he had been calling and that his phone didn’t work. M discovered that Larry had switched his sim card in order to isolate him from the others.
M told Larry that he had switched his plans and now was going to blow up Carlos’ hotel in order to leave no trace; then called Sam to apologize. Sam advised that he thought Larry would keep the money close and in a place which would make it look like M was guilty if he was caught. They found that Larry had put it in Ms punching bag. M told Fiona that part of him was like Larry; but, only a small part and that it got smaller the longer he was with her – so she said she’d help him make a bomb. M eventually revealed to Larry that he had found the hidden money and had already paid off Carlos that morning; then, when Larry pulled a gun on him and was going to leave him to blow up with the bomb they had planted in Carlos' trunk, that it too wasn’t real, just counterfeiting ink. He showed that the counterfeit bills were partially burned in Carlos' dumpster and finally said that "Larry Garber had already called the police" to snitch on Carlos'. Larry had to let M go because the police were coming and knew his name; but, said “there will be another day.” M told Yablonski that if he ever came back to Miami he would kill him himself. Nate and Ruth were saying goodbye to Madeline when M got there. M reminded Madeline that he had only said "IF you wanted to stay some place safer" NOT that HE had wanted her to go. She said that she had a life here with him and Sam and Fiona… and besides "I can't stand that woman." M gave Gilroy only the one flight plan, hoping that he wouldn't take umbrage: "Chili to Poland, tail number 4-whisky-x-ray-alpha 803 Registered to a faceless corporation in Santiago." M asked "what’s on the plane" and Gilroy claimed “a weaponized plague and the vaccine to match.” M told Sam – "Gilroy's a damn good liar."
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