P01 - The Fall of Sam Axe (SA01)

Sam Axe looked real good in his dress white uniform, Commander – US Navy, as he presented himself, Feb 1st, 2005, 0800 hours, at the American embassy in Bogota, Columbia for an inquiry into an incident which occurred during: Operation Provide Support. He asked for a beer, to the chuckle of the hearing officers; but, instead, was told to raise his right hand in order to swear an oath for honesty. He asked if he was under arrest but was told that it was just an "informal talk" to see what had happened. Structures, vehicles and people had been destroyed. He asked again for a beer, and the obviously high-ranking officer requested that he not waste his time; so, he began, "how did It begin? Well… in bed." He had met a lady named Donna, and liked her, but she chose when they were getting dressed as the time to reveal that she was married. Then, Sam recognized her husband when he pulled up unexpectedly outside: Admiral Maitland! He had to escape by jumping over a barking dog to the next roof. To decompress, later that evening he went to the "Beer and Bowl" in Virginia Beach, to met with his old buddy, beard and mustached, photographer vested, Michael Westen who said that his different appearance "comes with the job." Mikey had a tan from being "someplace sunny," a refreshing change of pace from the pasty look he got the time they were stuck together in Poland in '92. Sam revealed his dilemma and asked for advice. Amazingly, Mike said "go to Maitland and explain… right now… call him on the phone," not what Sam wanted to hear. "Remember that thing in Kiev with Misha," Mike asked, "when he sold out the wet work team on the way to Paris?" That's the kind of thing that stay's secret. "This will come out as soon as Maitland looks sideways at his wife!" Sam patted him on the shoulder and said: "you're a smart man, but you've dated like only one lady and she was a frikin' psycho." Mike said that his spy intuition told him Sam wasn't going to listen and also that it was going to blow up in his face. Sam sighed and said one day he would have to give him some spy lessons. As Michael left, he turned and said: "Be careful." Later, leaving the bar quite… well… drunk, Sam was "captured" by MPs who whisked him to a very angry Admiral Maitland. He was shown his belt, which he had inadvertently left behind; told that Donna had sold him out; had his "I was unaware" excuse shot down by the fact he hadn't even noticed Maitland's name on the mailbox; and then advised that he was being reassigned - "this very night"… to Columbia!
By 0800 he was aboard a transport to report to a Department Governor Perez who had called in some favors in order to get a "fact finding" mission to check on some unrest – really to scare up some US money. "Espada Ardiente", a home-grown insurgent group, had been staging attacks all over the country and Perez introduced him to Commandant Veracruz; who, it turned out, had trained at (unintelligible) in '92 where Sam "knew everyone who made you do push ups," like Dick Rayburn (aka the Terror). The terror group, Sam was told, was planning to hit an international clinic run by Doctor's for All. Being located at a strategic pass in the mountains, Veracruz said the terrorists probably wanted the clinic for a base. Their plan was for Sam, bedecked in his camoflague blues (another "tweak" from admiral Maitland), and the guys to get there first and be ready. However, the Canadian doctor wouldn't even listen, saying he couldn't move patients and he had no problem with the Espada Ardiente. Amanda Maples, local food relief program, intervened to take Sam aside; but once outside she turned out to be a smart ass who told Sam to take a flying leap. Walking back to Veracruz, Sam saw that a "teenage girl" was being roughed up by a soldier, thinking she was a spy. The girl claimed in Spanish that she was just hungry and was looking for food, but spit when they gave her a banana and let her go. When they got to their close by camp, Sam saw that Veracruz and his men had enough fire power to wipe any terrorist off the map! He decided to just keep his head down and make his reports. He did call Admiral Maitland as ordered and was told "see you in a couple months." That night Veracruz went out of camp with his men but wouldn't let Sam go with him. So, when his "guard" sat at the fire listening to the radio, Sam cut out of the back of his tent and went to "scout" on his own. What he found was Veracruz unloading more weapons from a "hidey-hole" and overheard them plotting to attack the clinic themselves but blame it on the rebels. Veracruz said: "we attack the clinic… and then I shoot the American in the head."

As Sam appeared at the hearing again the next day, he told the high-ranking weeny that he had been locked in his room overnight and that this was feeling "less like an informal conversation." The officer advised that "after your testimony yesterday, I wouldn't make any travel plans." Sam began the story where he had left off. Regrouping a couple miles down the road, and having no other choice, the teenage spy girl revealed, perfect English, that she knew of a camp where they could stay – Espada Ardiente's. The hearing officer said he had no record of "this Beatriz you mentioned." "That's not surprising," Sam rejoined, "she's a kid." Sam's formal relationship with Beatriz began in the truck, when he was blindfolded, and she refused to talk about her parents. She said that the Espada Ardiente were her friends and that the words mean "flaming sword" which stands for "fearless… passion!" There were only about 12 men with rifles. Our best fighter, she said, is Louis. "Oh the big guy there?" "No the one behind him." "The old guy." Later around the fire, Maples said she had gotten information that the groups land was valuable as some sort of drug transport to the coast. Someone had paid off Veracruz to force the farmers out, so they fought back and got lucky a few times which made Veracruz think they were bigger than they actually were. The doctor came carrying a girl who had malaria and announced that she would die without medicine. Sam told him that he was tap-dancing as fast as he could. Louis had Beatriz ask Sam why his pants were blue camouflage when the jungle was green. Sam replied back: "tell the man I don't want to talk about it" and Beatriz stomped off. Maples told him that Beatriz had seen her father shot and the group had taken her in; also that he had a new name in camp: La Barbilla - "the chin." The next morning Beatriz showed Sam the group's training session and took offense when Sam pointed out that they were really bad, even though they both watched while the big guy chased a chicken. The doctor and Maples weren't any happier when Sam told them that the only thing he could think of was to go back to Veracruz himself. He said that he would tell them he had escaped from the kidnappers. That way he might eventually be able to use their sat-phone to report in. Maples, still the ass even after Sam had saved their lives, told him that if he didn't come back she would personally hunt him down and kick his teeth in. In Sam Axe fashion, he shot back "I may get my ass shot off… but my teeth are safe."

Still grasping at straws, Sam told Maples and the doctor that he knew of a CIA outpost 50 miles away. While they continued to hassle him with patient issues he stepped away to confide in Beatriz. She relented and told him that her father had been a journalist who was covering the issue with the farmers. He had been shot in front of her and Louis had taken her in. Sam begged her to translate for him and try and get the men to help him with his plan. She said he should start talking and if she liked what he said she would translate. With a lot of flowery compliments it worked and Sam began training them. The hearing officer broke in all upset, demanding to know if he had helped train the terrorists. Sam said the only training he had given them was from the Analee High School JV Football Squad. He had explained his training tactics using a football and play diagrams. The next day, Sam said, they moved out with the patients in one truck and the "Flaming Sword Guys" in the other. It was only 50 miles but "in the mountains the miles are more like dog years - every one is like seven." In the truck cab alone with Maples, Sam asked "so… do gooder… why so cynical." She relented that "you get into this because you want to make the world a better place and it turns out that there's a lot of people who want to make it a worse place and we're outnumbered." "Not just soldiers, but usually where there's a lot of people going hungry there's a guy with a gun making it happen." Their course was stopped by a downed tree blocking the road, but they wouldn't listen to Sam about that it might be a trap, and began cutting the tree. Sam found a radio in the tree just as some men opened fire. The doctor was still being written as the buffoon and continually arguing with Sam until reinforcements were spotted coming up the road. Their men rolled rocks down on it and Sam tossed a running chain saw down and through Veracruz's men's window. They succeeded!

The next morning there was a guard at the door and the interrogator said he was obliged to ask if Sam wanted a lawyer. It had progressed farther than a mere friendly "conversation." He also said that they were rounding up and detaining the doctor, maples, the farmers etc. – standard protocol. Angry Sam spat back "standard procedure, why don't you bite me." A pathetic underling yelled at Sam "you're speaking to a superior officer" and Sam yelled back at him "YOU'RE speaking to a superior officer!" Sam said he didn't want a lawyer because the weeny interrogator seemed to have already decided what he was going to do and it wouldn't do any good. Sam relented to go on and said that he had ordered the CIA goofballs to return to their outpost. Maples and the doctor weren't happy. Sam said he convinced the two CIA men to call their headquarters, then fired his weapon at the wall to help the two make the story sound more convincing. The problem was that Veracruz was coming and they would need to hold him off for three hours till help came. Sam had his "troops" put their bullets in their guns and the doctor showed him a bomb that he had "improvised" out of C-4 the CIA guys had in the cabin to blow up their computer if need be. Sam notice "the kid" missing. He found her and tried to convince her to stay and watch the CIA guys by asking what her father would do. She finally admitted that he would have wanted her to stay. "You remind me of my father," she told him, "but I didn't listen to him either." They were watching as Perez actually showed up to join Veracruz with a lot more men. They decided to plant the bomb in a small canyon where it would block the road with an exploded truck and would slow Perez and Veracruz down. Sam told the doctor he figured the timing would need them to hold out for about "a half hour… but it's gonna be a long half hour." "It could be worse," he advised, "it could be raining."

Later, as Sam was shown disembarking a plane at the airport, the voiceover changed to the weeny Admiral who read Sam's discharge papers of Feb 20th 2005. They read that Sam had agreed not to disclose his activities between Jan 22 and Jan 31st of 2005; and, "He is to receive the following: An honorable discharge with full pension, a change of clothes, first class air transport to the city of his choosing&hellip and one ice cold beer." Then, we finally find out the weeny's name: Rear Admiral James G Lawrence, USN. And, do you need to ask? Sam chose Tony Bahama and… Miami!
From the first moments of the movie we see that Sam Axe knows how, and tries, to be "squared away"; but, the odds are stacked against him. First, because the ribbons, insignias and medals on his uniform must have been switched with someone in a completely different military – it sure isn't the US Navy. And second, there's… well… everything else! A metaphor that he is up against a "broken" system is telegraphed within the first minute, when the automatic gates close prematurely on both he and his "honor guard" – requiring him to "rescue" everyone from the recalcitrant iron gratings. From then onward, it seems to be Sam against the system trying to make his way through a maze of deception where he (and we) can pretty much count on nothing or no one being what they claim to be. The political officials are drug runners, the "terrorist rebels" are victim-farmers, the "clients" don't want help, the so-called "friendly talk" is a witch hunt; and the Burro… well, he's the one thing that seems to be "real" (at least as far as we know). Many Burn Notice back-story questions were answered, but not without posing several more. The special effects were a bit low budget; but, this is a movie about Sam, not explosions. The acting was believable, but not always precise by the less experienced cast. The Characters were varied and typical Burn Notice faire. The story held your interest for the full two hours (sans commercials) and is credited to only one writer: Matt Nix. That may have also been the story's weakest aspect. Had there been a co-writer to provide counter-point there may have been the ability to more accurately portray the military genre. Bit more attention to the details of ranks, insignias, protocol, culture and systems would have made it more believable and enjoyable to watch. In all, a good use of 2 hours – especially in the "wasteland" that is the summer hiatus.
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Burn Notice: Fall of Sam Axe
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