506 - Enemy Of My Enemy (68)

In voice-over Michael Weston explained the historical uses of "look-alikes" while Sam, Fiona and Madeline watched the commandeered security tape of someone going to a lot of trouble framing him for buying a cell phone used at a murder scene. "This is getting personal," Sam offered. "It's been personal," M responded "since Max bled out in my arms and told me to go say goodbye to his wife." As he was saying he would buy some more time from Agent Pearce, his new handler, she called with a new "high-priority" CIA mission. Her source inside a Serbian syndicate revealed that the group was going to buy a stolen predator drone from a Miami arms dealer – tomorrow. M jumped right on it and scaled the balconies of a hotel to the sixth floor, blew out the glass and got the drop on the courier when he rushed out with his gun. They were too late, the deal had already gone down. Pearce had to fight with her piss-ass "bosses" [one called Menaro] who wanted to get her source outed and killed by rounding up some Serbians for interrogation. M listened to her fume without success then she revealed this had happened to her once before on an 'op in Paris in '03. A scientist, Jansen Tunberg, was an asset who was killed by her bosses impatience and 'outing' him. She was to have married him after the mission but instead buried him. She was going to merely acquiesce to Menaro's incompetence then M offered to retrieve the drone for her without CIA involvement. Surveilling the nasty Serbians at a restaurant, they realized they needed an army to get the drone back and the only one they knew about with an army of his own was Carmelo, the second largest heroin dealer in Miami, who M had met before. And the only way they could figure out to turn Carmelo onto the Serb's was to steal a heroin shipment and plant Sam so he could turn Carmelo onto the Serbs. Of course Fiona gave her obligatory indignant disagreement but said "ok" when Sam agreed that it was the only way. Of course she spent the rest of the episode ragging, whining and blaming M for it, even to Madeline. Fiona went to their friend Sugar and scammed him away from some girls by claiming he had a medical condition easily treated with ointments, gels and cream suppositories. Angry, he told Fiona that "you rob him – he sucks the marrow out of your bones." When she threatened him with M, he told her Carmelo's route.

Back with Manaro and Bailey, the bitchey little girls, they told M that they weren't going to lift a finger to help because Sam was "not our people, he's not mission critical." Without even voicing a protest Pearce only told M "I'm sorry" as he stormed out of the room. He told her "just keep these bastard's off my back, I'll take care of this myself." Carmelo shot Vlad and took Sam with him to the marina where M was ready with an air breather tank so he could swim over and try to rescue Sam when the drone but no heroin was found. Carmelo came in with his crew guns ablaze - helped along with a little of Fiona's well placed sniper fire. The Serb guards were killed and the drone was found. As Carmelo was pointing his gun at Sam demanding to know who he really was, M appeared saying "he's my friend" and Carmelo immediately recognized him as the person he had warned he would kill if he ever saw him again. With a frowney face drawn on the wall by Jesse's sniper rifle, M convinced Carmelo that he couldn't get out alive if he tried to kill either of them. "You can either be a drug dealer who killed two CIA assets and stole a predator drone or a hero who found stolen military technology and seized it for the American government." Carmelo shook on it but said: "seriously, I will kill you if I ever see you again."

A nice episode to watch, due much to what seems to be a new approach to the characters this season. I guess we have to put up with Pearce's orneriness because Michael hasn't yet been taken off the suspect list – although for the life of me, these characters must be living in a vacuum of some sort. It seems that the writers completely forget all the things M has done for the CIA in uncovering and destroying now TWO "Cabals" when it comes time to generate dialog. They STILL aren't above using completely ridiculous whining, blaming, self-flagellation anytime they think they need to add some angst or tension in someone's dialog.
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