509 - Eye For An Eye (71)

While Sam merely watched, Michael Weston loaded the trunk of his car in order to chase a lead on the bomb-maker that tried to blow up Jacob – who had been duped into framing Mike for Max's murder. Staking out the bomb maker's shop in Tallahassee, Sam wolfed down three doughnuts in a row claiming that he had to eat quick while his new girlfriend wasn't around. Lucien Ballans, the clock-making, former war criminal in hiding, arrived at his store and Sam was upset because he came before he had a chance to get some cheese-fries. Michael said: "We're not waiting around all day to give him a chance to figure out somebody's watching him." Playing like they had some clocks for him to look at, they still didn't fool Lucien and were nearly electrocuted in a trap except Mike noticed the iron grate just in time. Sam had used the name Lucien when, for years, he's been known as Luca. They took him to an abandoned shed and strapped him to a chair to interrogate him. Eating the carrot sticks that they offered, he made up fictitious information about customers for days until they decided to have Fiona come up and go through his apartment for extra clues. She couldn't stay longer than to rag on Michael for missing their date to the LaForge because she was helping Jesse with a security gig. They went through all his papers in front of him watching for a "tell" when they read something that he didn't want them to. He finally blinked over a newspaper article about a running marathon and eventually discovered that the article had been written by Lucien's daughter under a pseudonym. Every time they had something to do Sam called "not it" so he could rub oil on Elsa's sunburn, until Fiona came to get Michaels help with their job. They found Lucien's daughter Danika and threatened him with having her deported from Atlanta; so, he finally told them about his friend Christian Pavel who only can be contacted at Connie's Café in Orlando, they were to talk to Nicolai the cook. At the cafe, Sam was told that Nikolai had quit a week ago so he left his cell number and got his cheese-fries. Mike told Lucien he'd need to think of another way to get hold of Pavel or his daughter was going to be shipped back.

Lucien eventually told them that the trip to the diner he sent them on was a distress call and that "now my friend has come to rescue me. If you let me go, maybe I'll tell Christian to let one of you live." Instead, Pavel began pumping shells into the shack which hit Lucien. Just before he died, Lucien extracted a promise that his daughter would be left alone and disclosed that his friend needed a bomb so he made it. He said the guy was located at a warehouse in Wentword at the end of Burgen Road and asked Mike to "put a bullet in him." Sam contrived a diversionary explosion out of some old tanks, which allowed them to escape.
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