Both Michael and Madeline Westen stood on a beach-side cemetery looking at the grave of Frank Westen (1939-1998) their husband and father. In voice-over Michael explains that "the best preparation for a career filed with danger and paranoia is a home life filled with danger and paranoia." Apparently Michael might have learned a lesson on how to deal with his mother because this time he disclosed what Anson had told him instead of keeping her in the dark: "I knew Frank… He wanted to apologize to you… you wished he were dead and we took care of it for you, you're welcome." Madeline told him that she remembered that out of the blue Frank started asking about Michael right before he died. "It's hard to believe that he died trying to save you," she said. "Within a week I was trying to figure out why he had gotten drunk and OD'd on heart pills," it fits. She said that she was going to go visit Nate in Daytona Beach and that "you have a job to do. Make sure he doesn't ruin any more lives. Figure it out, do whatever you have to do." Back at the loft, Fiona told him that "the spikey haired weasel Barry had traced some of Anson's money through several intermediaries to a DC lawyer." She was already packed and they were both ready to impersonate an employee in order to look through their files. The one on Vaughn Anderson had been updated days before so they knew it had been reactivated – by someone other than Vaughn who was in a hole in Guantanamo. Mike asked Jesse to have his people try and identify all the account numbers they got from the file and, for once, Pierce was actually going to help the cause by bringing Vaughn to Tampa so Mike could talk to him. However, Mike had arranged it so the security level on the transfer was above Pierce's status (as well as Anson's) so she couldn't know why and she wasn't happy about it. He told her she could make a request and she said not to patronize her, "What I want is a guarantee that this isn't going to blow up in my face." He said: "I guarantee."
In Tampa Mike threw Vaughn an orange and said
"welcome to the citrus state." He said he wanted to talk about Anson and Vaughn said
"I can't say that I saw that one coming." He had ratted out others in the organization to obtain leniency but hadn't dared to mention Anson. He finally told Mike to
"bring me a bottle of scotch and the papers and I'll check it out for you." When Mike returned, Vaughn said that he did know what Anson was doing but wouldn't tell him anything unless Mike arranged for a full pardon. Mike went back to try and convince Pierce to continue helping him. She appeared back in Tampa and warned that she had nearly turned around many times bringing him the paperwork. She continued that
"if the orders in those files go through… it sets some very serious balls in motion." She sounded miserable when she acknowledged that she had put herself on the line in a big way and she thought it was time she knew what was going on. He had to relent and reveal that he always had doubts that they had eliminated all of "the Organization" that had burned him and now he knew that he was right. But he drew the line at merely saying:
"the last person I told my suspicions to was Max and he ended up dying in my arms. I don't want that to happen to you." He promised that
"if it comes to it, I will tell you; but, for now, I need to do this alone… so don't press this." Inside with Vaughn, he refused to talk without immunity but Mike told him there was a
"consolation prize." He had arranged for Vaughn's transfer out of Guantanamo as well as for two others:
"A Belgian assassin who worked for you, Vincent something who you ratted out, and Simon Escher who you tried to have killed. You three will have 25 years to patch things up… roam free together in the exercise yard of a federal prison." As he walked away Vaughn begged to call it off and disclosed that all the numbers weren't just bank accounts.
"They were linked to real things like transport companies, supply depots, weapons manufacturers and other legit support businesses. Anson isn't retiring, he's bringing it back on-line." Mike had no intention of letting all the transfers go through; but as he turned and left he only told Vaughn
"It just might be too late" to cancel them.
Jesse was asked by a friend,
Ian Covey, if the things people were saying about he and Michael were true, and he had to say
"they are, mostly." Ian told him that he had a problem that he needed a favor with. A diplomat who the state department had assigned him to,
Yash Ahluwalia, had him helping to smuggle diamonds in diplomatic pouches and
"needs an ass kicking." He said he was retiring now too and he didn't want his legacy to be that he had helped someone smuggle and murder even though his boss told him to
"hold my nose and do my job." When Jesse agreed with a sigh, Ian said
"good, he'll be with a buyer… in an hour." Using sound magnification he and Sam overheard Yash talking with his buyer, Brian, about having his money ready the next day as soon as the banks open. It was way too short of notice to get into Yash's place but Sam suggested that they take out Brian so Yash would have to put together another deal.
"All we got team wise is Fi," Sam said.
"That's perfect, robbing a person in broad daylight is a Fi kind of job." Their robbery of Brian was blocked by the cops giving the guy a parking ticket; so Fi chased him around the city to forcibly corral him in an isolated car park so that Sam could steal his car – with the money in it. Now that they had a delay, they brought Mike in for a "consult." There was no way to do it in the time frame they had but Jesse suggested if they were already inside during the deal that would be a lot easier. He could go in as Yash's new buyer and Fi could blow a hole in the wall for an exit. The problem was that Ian would need to introduce Jesse to Yash as a buyer and "sell it." He agreed but looked really anxious and unsure about it. Ian needed to take pills before they went in to introduce Jesse as
"Mr. Ray, a buyer of bling." Eventually Yash did agree, but interrogated Jesse and demanded to be taken to his shop to see his cutting equipment. Jesse desperately called Sam who told him to meet at a particular diamond shop that he knew. Sam and Fi tried to pay the owner of the shop to let them
"borrow the shop for thirty minutes," but were refused. Eventually they had to force the owner into the back room just as Jesse and Yash arrived. The crook was satisfied and the deal was on.

Jesse and Sam readied everything for the take down. During the deal, he was going to inject Yash with "sleepy juice" so they could leisurely gather the evidence they needed and stroll out the new door that Fi would make in the back of the house. There was a problem however. When Fi went to attach the breeching frame, they found that the wall had been reinforced with steel, which killed the deal. Plan "B" was for Sam to go pretend to warn his boss that Yash might be setting them up, having planted a bug in their shop – while Fi blew up Jesse's car to sell the deal. Ian was not happy, in fact very upset because Yash had shipped everything back to India. Ian now revealed that he wanted to get Yash busted for murder… his own. He explained that he hadn't told them the whole truth before. In reality he was dying with pancreatic cancer and this was to be his swan song. Scamming Yash into killing a State Department Official was enough to wave his diplomatic immunity and have him imprisoned for life. After much argument, Jesse finally agreed and Mike needed to support him. Jesse went back and told Yash that he had found a new bug in his house under a chair, put there by Ian who had been sitting in that chair. The car bomb went off earlier than planned which had thwarted Ian's plan to kill them both making the pouches revert to him once they were both dead. Jesse was outfitted with blood packs under his shirt and Ian with simulation bullets. During an exchange with Mike, Ian observed that
"you wouldn't believe how easy it is to make up good reasons for doing bad things. But a guy like you, making a good fight his whole life, wouldn't understand." Mike told him he understood completely and put his hand on Ian's shoulder. Jesse confronted Ian at Yash's house. Ian turned and shot Jesse then fired at Yash who had hid behind the chair. On the way out Ian handed his blank gun to Jesse so that when Yash followed him and shot him, the police wouldn't find either a body or a gun.
"I got ya," were his last words.