606 - Shock Wave (86)

Through the prison visiting room glass Michael told Fiona of their new lead on Anson's hiding location. He told her that "if I can put Anson in cuffs and you plead guilty to a few weapons charges your sentence will be: time served." She wasn't at all happy that he had been working with Rebecca to obtain it; but, it's Fiona and historically not much Michael ever does pleases her. When Michael left she was ushered to the warden's office by a guard where the warden, two men from the state department and a smarmy MI-6 fool, Arthur Meyers, were waiting for her. If Sam were there, he'd be the one to say "it's official, he's a dick!" Unbelievably, the state department had supposedly "loaned" Fiona to the Brit for (get this) a televised "interrogation" over at the rebuilt British Consulate. With the warden and the state department in the room, he tried to blackmail Fiona into signing a new, contrived, confession to "squash the CIA business" and none of the others expressed a peep about it! She immediately went to work recruiting her new buddy AYN into helping with a scheme so she could "get lost" without escaping. Fiona pointed out that it could be AYN who eventually "found" her and possibly work that into her upcoming parole being granted. AYN took her to the library, where she was assigned to work, and showed her a hidden recess she had made inside an air-conditioning duct to store her contraband. That's where Fiona hid for a couple days and even tricked a K9 who nearly sniffed her out. When Michael's activities were over, AYN made up a plausible story and offered to reveal Fiona's whereabouts in exchange for the Warden's signature on a recommendation that her parole be granted. When the warden uncovered Fiona she chortled that the MI-6 weeny would only pull strings with "state" again, to which Fiona replied: "AYN isn't the only one expecting an early release." They both grinned at the warden knowingly.

Michael's final voice-over was about how none of a spies training could prepare for informing next of kin about the death of a son. In dreamy slow-motion and with throbbing music the camera pulled back as Madeline nearly fell to the floor, striking out at Michael as he caught her and restrained her in his arms. The music continued later to show Fiona's three friends waiting at the prison gate for her to come out wearing the white dress she was arrested in. Now… the burn story becomes: who shot Anson and killed Nate?
In an interview, the creator, Matt Nix, said that there would now be a huge mix-up in the way the story goes, that some character wouldn't forgive Michael for the rest of the season [gee I wonder who that is] and that at the season finale the show would be in a place that no one expected. From a directors standpoint this episode could truly be one of the best of the series. Playing Anson's death the way they did was masterful. His arrogantly considering himself the center of the universe the entire series was made more poignant in a death that was shown as only incidental. From a writers standpoint there is a huge dichotomy. Fiona's segment overall showed great creativity and innovation in the plot but the screenplay was unbelievable and hokey at best. Sam's segment was truly well conceived and delivered. Michael's segment was what it needed to be to support the plot. I thought Pearce's dialog seemed a bit contrived and strained but was in character. Nate playing the buffoon the whole episode greatly annoyed, even now that I can understand why the writer took that easy route. There were plenty of other ways this could have been handled without resorting to making him go out on such a low note for what his character has become. Madeline's arrogant and lashing reaction was also annoying, except is now understandable to set up a season long resentment of Michael.
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